mandag den 8. januar 2018

The Howling

Truth is I don´t know what to say about The Howling. I understand it´s a classic and it spawned a lot of sequels but I´m not into it...
The Howling is a 1981 American horror film directed by Joe Dante. Based on the novel of the same name by Gary Brandner, the film follows a television newswoman sent to a remote mountain resort after a fatal incident with a serial killer, unaware that the inhabiting residents are werewolves.
The movie itself is not bad, it´s just too slow and not gory or trashy enough to my liking. The wolf transformations are pretty cool though and the last scene, where Karen turns into a wolf on the broadcast is pretty epic.
And you gotta love Marsha. Sexy Marsha, always on the heat. 
I saw one Howling when I was a kid but I don´t remember which one. Maybe the third or fourth. I will eventually check the sequels.
Technically speaking, it´s ok. The acting is decent, sound effects, the photography reminds me of 70s movies and the special effects are cool, except maybe for the last one.
Anyway, not my cup of tea but I understand why it´s so well liked.

