torsdag den 16. maj 2024

 Mannjäger - Zhostkiy Folklor

The madman behind this power-electronics/noise project is also the same one behind the cyberpunk-inspired dark-ambient project called Anaru, which I reviewed in 2017 via the Brvtalist webpage. He is out again with another new project called Mannjäger (via the Greek label E.C.T Recordings). 

Strongly limited to 20 copies (numbered), a CD-R is stored inside an informative booklet and then wrapped in tracing paper. Always loved the simple cover artwork made by E.C.T Recordings, it is so simple and yet so incredibly iconic, and recognizable. 

The concept around this album is about coercion in every form. Be it sexual, political, ideological, or religious. And the album title means Heavy Folk. The front cover has a kind of militaristic propaganda sort of imagery and has a kind of Slavonic look to it. Inside the booklet, we meet another propaganda-like image. An image titled Zoviet Woman, a strong-looking young woman holding a communist flag. So the word coercion is a strong focus theme here. Let us jump into the recorded material within. 

The first track is called Laukia Išsižergus (Waiting for Izzirgus), who is Izzirgus? I don´t know, tried looking it up but didn´t locate any logical explanation. Inflammatory noise blasts, pulsating hum from old fighter planes, looped and rhythmic deep ritualistic voices, and wonderful evil-sounding power-electronic vocals. Similar to the more atmospheric German-based power-electronics acts like Anenzephalia, Ex-Order, and Dagda Mor. 

The second track Gimnasté (gymnastics?) is a more... subtle piece than the former. There is a looped "melody" in there, which gives the track a kind of hypnotic melancholic vibe. Love how the samples have been put together here, a lovely... organic feel if you please. Behind all this, there is a harsh background of metal smashing against metal. 

The third track Išdresiruota Tarnaut (Traind To Serve) returns to the murky harshness. A lovely epic and esoteric dungeon-synth voice-driven synth-vibe/melody is going on in the background, with the punishing death-industrial sound in front.

The fourth track Fas! gets more into the aggressive and brutal side of European power electronics. With all the aggressive noise going on, the esoteric elements are still there. Really dig it when brutal shit has an esoteric aesthetic/mood attached to it, just makes it all a lot more interesting.

The fifth track Inter-nacional Vivisection Ov Coercion is closer to a thing between dark-ambient and power-electronics. Lots of looped reverbed elements echoed samples inside a clinical environment.  

The sixth track Išniekinta, Bet Su Uniforma (Disgraced, But In Uniform). A very hypnotic harsh piece. Surely to get you brainwashed. Drones there looped mechanical sounds here... the whole piece of machinery pulsating with radioactive vibes here.

The seventh track Vonioje might just be my favorite. A harsh and atmospheric noisescape with tons of angelic brutality, and sheer beauty. Kind of like this barren landscape, with hints of life peeking through the chaos? 

More unpleasant than pleasant, more strained than strengthening. More painful than comforting. It´s not a macho-driven power-electronics monster, but more of a depressive and degenerated kind. But in a good way. When the album ends, you're kind of left with a certain feeling. The kind of depressing feeling that you might, have done something... which u shouldn´t have. This album scratches a nerve that others don´t, a beer-drinking power-electronics album... definitely not! There isn´t a drop of hope here, maybe u can find it? Worth checking out!