søndag den 16. juni 2024

 Häxa Komät - One Void Ceremonial Program I

We get to review the second release from Bent Window Records label. A limited tape release from a mysterious act called Häxa Komät. And believe me, there isn´t any information to locate about this obscure project, not even a Discogs entry! There is (actually) a bit of esoteric info about this project, on the official Bent Window Bandcamp site :  

"Thematically based on animatism's religious and spiritual practices and unitary religious experiences via ritual, ceremony, self-expression, and art. Presented through the lens of the artistic/religious collective of which the project is a part; One Void Collective. A small group of artists focused on the expression and manifestation of animatistic ideas and an altered state of consciousness through meditation, repetition, natural substances, and performing artistic activities"

You can also find the site for the One Void Collective. With lots of other obscure occult-driven releases. I´m sure I wanna check this label out! You can find the link further down! 

Anyways, it´s a 5 track cassette album about 20 minutes in total. The artwork is nice. Kind of esoteric dungeon-synth/noise vibe over it. Maybe one of the dungeon synth projects I have reviewed (in the past) has members on this project? Who knows!

The first track is Zulo. The sound of a gong, shimmering ritual bells, layered wind-driven thighbone trumpets (maybe?). All wrapped up in some kind of Cthulhu-worshipping with a Buddha monk vibe. And yes, there is definitely a kind of dungeon-synth vibe going on! Archion Satani doing dungeon synth sort of. I do like it, actually pretty much! 

The second track Rinna is more of a rhythmic shamanic piece. Xylophone (synth) and thumping ritual drums. Sort of a mixture of oriental ceremonial music and Western new-age music? Quite unique, it is too bad that the track is a short one.

The third track Induction continues down the esoteric buddah-monk road. The sense of a certain kind of esoteric mysticism is pretty strong here, I´m also getting kind of nostalgic here, getting back to one of those Commodore 64 tunes. A side-scrolling karate game, with the same graphics as international karate. Whatever, I still love it! Lovely kind of temple-worshipping aesthetic here, very effective!

The fourth track Destructive Genesis is a quiet one... although with a scary sort of Lovecraftian intensity. Creepy crawler sort of calmness if you like. The beginning of some sort of ritual sacrifice? 

The fifth and last track Call In The Seeds Bounty, has a kind of... almost jolly celebration feel. Early martial-industrial meets proto dungeon-synth vibe (Allerseelen, A Moon Lay Hidden), also the most melodic track on the album. The sense of the esoteric aesthetic is still present, and hasn't lost strength! 

There are three reasons to check out this album, so open your ears. One is the sound quality. The sound quality

It´s primitive, but the primitive recording strengthens the whole album. Two, the people behind this have a certain talent/flair to do this kind of stuff. Three, they are very good at keeping this a HIGHLY aesthetic experience into... well... esoteric stuff. If anyone would tell me, that this music has been done by a serious cult... well... I would believe them! 

Bandcamp (label):

Bandcamp (One Void Collective):