mandag den 28. august 2017

Έρεβος - Crowned With Non Sacred Symbols 

full demo 2017 

Dungeon synth hasn´t any culturally based origins. It is coming quite obvious, that people from the Latin-based countries are also worshiping the same kind of moody dreams of fantasy-based imagery. One of these is Argentina, San Juan-based Έρεβος, made by Juan Alberto Rojas also known as Sir John Erebus (as the picture/youtube-link shows). A solo one man band, delving into the sound of barbaric dungeon synth black metal. I might also tell you, that there hasn´t been any physical releases yet. 
Crowned With Non-Sacred Symbols is his first full-length demo, released 2017 (2 extra singles have also been released on his Bandcamp site). 

I´m NOT an expert in black-metal, and also not an expert in fast music!. But, I don´t mind noisy stuff, primitive stuff and moody stuff (As you´ve probably noticed). 

I can say for starters that it is incredible to think that this stuff comes from Argentina (Pretty close 2 where my tarantula comes from!). And yes, it is a pretty barbaric recording!. One minute you are being drenched in gore and filth on the battlefield, the next minute you are receiving a beautiful crown for your victories. 

We are only talking about 20 minutes of your time, BUT... Wanna have a all-to-know-what-it-is-like-to-be-Conan-for-one-day?..There you have it. It´s pretty grim, raw, primitive, northern, unnerving, melodic and atmospheric. We are not dealing with razor sharp guitar riffs, cool and complicated drums, progressive rock elements and blah blah blah... Just a straight up in your face kind of a demo, obviously he doesn't care what the listeners would think!. That´s my kind of tea (Although I drink coffee!)...Need 2 kill some orcs or clear out a dungeon with a hideous vengeance, do give it a listen with a nice and strong porter at your side (minimum 8% if you ask me). 


Official site: