onsdag den 9. februar 2022

 BU.D.D.A. - Erste Opfergaben 

A not too old project has just released a new album. BU.D.D.A. is an interesting act, having some veteran members within. One is Chris Sigdell (B°tong and NID) and the other is Sascha Stadlmeir (Owner of the Attenuation Circuit label). An experimental act that travels in the realm of mediative ambient drones. Not that far away from other like-minded spacy stuff like Maeror Tri, Zoviet France, Beequeen, or Troum. This one is their third album, and it has been released as a limited CD-R in a pro digifile on Marbre Negre. 3 tracks, about 37 minutes in total. 

The first track named The Mourning Of The Midnight Diner´s Broken Heart is the longest track, and sort of works as an "intro" for the entire album. It immediately sounds like the work of sound-veterans, like experienced space-cowboys. The track is a breathtaking plunge into another dimension where time simply stands still... completely. Top-quality stuff with tons of depth to it! The track starts with some mysterious guitar strings. The kind of tapping the strings, and then the sound just travels through the room until it vaporizes into the thin air. Cool evocative deep archaic drony sounds can be heard and felt, while some interesting radio voices chatter as well (Astronauts?). Quite evident that we are dealing with a melancholic piece that will suck you into a hole. Later on, lots of other cool sounds are added to the mix but more importantly... the thin red line runs through the entire sound production. Incredible deep stuff, true space ambient!

The second track L´Enfér Des Réves Pérdues  mooves closer to a more sinister sound. I'm thinking... weeping angels or dying whales for some reason. Don´t stare too long into the abyss or the abyss will start staring back at you. This track almost gives me that sensation about... being scared of heights. The track sounds like being... somewhere high... and you dare not to look down! Maybe we are talking about balancing on some high cliff, and if you fall... you fall straight into the bottom of hell itself. An ambient track both containing beautiful angelic and hellish infernal moments! There are some incredible cool spacy sounds to be discovered/heard here!

The third and last track is called Human Dignity Is A Cave sounds like... the laboratory of an alchemist. Something is happening, hidden from sight inside a room. The shuffling of glass-like tools, water dripping from old cellar pipes, and rats behind the walls?. All of these sounds dissolve strangely into the next stage of life itself. Life after death, or the life after death?... I don´t know!. Love the melancholic feeling here as well. Some highly manipulated human voices here, creating chant-like drones through the machinery. Magnificent work here!

An incredible album. Top edge ambient music here for the fans of the more.. drony/spacy-stuff! I cannot stress out enough about the bloody sound quality, which is beyond good. The whole bloody thing engulfs you completely and begs you to listen to the damn bloody thing over and over again. A masterpiece within the realm of modern ambient music!

Bandcamp (band):

Bandcamp (label):