Mourn Path - S/T
A new enigmatic act with a debut on E.C.T Recordings. A self-titled album with an act called Mourn Path. This release was actually first self-released on cassette... somewhere in Spain. And only made and released for a close circle of people. And now it has been officially released on the Greek label E.C.T Recordings. A short journey of a mini-album, only two tracks and 12 minutes in total.
The artwork has the classic, recognizable E.C.T. design. It's sort of a CD packaged as vinyl... if you ask me. You have the sleeve, and inside you have a piece of folded black cardboard with a rubber button that holds the tiny 3-inch CD in its place. Not sure what we are seeing on the album cover, is it a mask? Or is it a cranium from underneath? Either way, it looks great! It definitely raises curiosity for sure!
The first track is called Lord Of The Graveyard. It starts really quiet... and slowly there is a deep, humming sound... like a huge vibrating gong. A mystical sort of Tibetan/thighbone-trumpet sound kicks in, which instantly takes me back to Lustmord´s Heresy album. Springs on a high-hat with extra reverb (I think)... and some really fantastic and well made drone sounds. The whole track is absolutely astonishingly beautiful, without anything sounding naive or "evil!. Also, a strong sort of CMI/Slaughter Productions aesthetic of sound is present as well. A new glitches in the sound, but nothing to take note of. It really does sound that good!
The second track The Shroud continues the journey, just a bit further... into the cellar. Low and deep chantings, the flickering sound of the wings of several moths, drops of water, and those... deep submarine sorts of sounds in an underground cathedral. Really candy for the ear and the mind. Nothing wrong here, another ritualistic death-ambient track done to absolute perfection!
And sadly we get no more. Oh well, might as well press the play button on the CD-player once again! Mourn Path is ace in a variety of genres. It´s a great death industrial album, a great ambient album, and a great soundtrack album as well. It´s incredibly well-made and incredibly imaginative. It´s ambient music for sure but with all the required organic dynamics to make it all... interesting and living. Really would like to know who Mourn Path really is, love to ask them if they plan to do more?! Really worth anyone's trouble, this is the good stuff!