tirsdag den 1. maj 2018

Monuments Are No Good To The Dead - 

Earth´s Hum Volume 3 & 4

Earth’s Hum Vols. I - V is a conceptual Pentalogy dedicated to the mysterious HUM of the Earth. Vol. I begin with the big bang and takes the listener through billions of years of swirling dust to the formation of the Earth. Vol. II is the heaving and lurching turmoil of the planet as its plates struggle to maintain their grip on one another. Vol. III is the cyclical, labored breathing of the mother as humanity chokes her to death. Vol. IV finds Earth fighting back by collapsing in on itself in a deep, rumbling panic; destroying all life as it does so. Vol. V finds synth-like textured walls as Earth’s leftover fragments spread further and further through the deep reaches of the Universe. 

Volume 3 begins in a split/second as ear-shattering and primal machine-like noise. Car-exhaustion noise slams the listener up the wall... First track being volume 3 reminds me of an early piece by Esplendor Geometrico or some early collaboration made between NON and Coil (His Body Was A Playground For The Nazi Elite). Mix it then with tiny h0ints/elements from HNW and drone stuff. Sounds like a looped/monotonous mechanical-incident getting started up and then ends up being crashed into oblivion. It then wraps it up in a noise-drone hypnotic way of ending. 30 minutes and 47 seconds of levitating spiritual noise! Fxxxxxx loved it! 

The noise-brutalism doesn't end here, the tape continues on the B-side with Volume 4. Feels like a compact and distorted sound trying to squeeze itself out of a little tube (it cannot)... therefor tiny holes are squirting out the compressed noise that the tube cannot contain inside. Sounds like a slow version of a harsh-noise track, not bad but not really interesting and groundbreaking stuff (Heard it way too many times). I prefer Volume 3, I think it had a more other-worldly quality, almost dynamic ritualistic undertones with it. 

This act has made several releases on various labels, and this is the first time this act has released anything with the cassette/tape-format. Limited to 17 copies, and it is out on Ominous Recordings, released back in Januar (2018). There are more releases to check out with this act on their official Bandcamp site, a minor note is that this release can only be located on Omnious Recordings Bandcamp site. 

Bandcamp (release+label):

Bandcamp (band):