torsdag den 30. januar 2020

Gargara - Desjabetze Itogarriak

Means drowning/suffocating expropriations. Expropriations being the ownership that happens when the government overtakes a private property. When that private property is drowning/suffocating, it might mean that the property is a ruin. Something old with a lot of history gets torn down and is then being replaced by something shiny and tall for people 2 either live in or work in (without the history and character of course!). Something which actually happens all-over my Danish town (as we speak!). The project is called Gargara, if it is from the Turkish language then it means... Mouthwash. This new project is another interesting side-project of Miguel A. Garcia, whom I have had the utmost pleasure in reviewing several times! This one is a 1 track (59 minutes and 7 seconds long!), and it comes in a BEAUTIFULLY kind of rough and thin cardboard paper with cool artwork inside. 4 cards with incredible illustrations on! Another footnote would be that the vocals here are done by an Ibon RG (Link below) and the amazing artwork is done by Jon Martin. 

I was gobsmacked, the most beautiful thing I have seen in a long time! Almost limestone caverns look with the illustrations, how the shadows can trick your mind into seeing other things (and people!). And of course, I said to myself, the recording HAS to be VERY interesting! Lucky for me... It bloody is!. The music/recording is a vibrant and living piece of haunting Avant-garde´ness. A pure sound-adventure from the beginning to the end. Torturous (but ambient´ ish) netherworld-vocal-sounds rush up to meet the listener, swirling and otherworldly sounds submerge the listener further down, insect-like chirpings keep your senses alert, eerie violin scratching in the misty background. Not that far away from some of the best moments with legendary Nurse With Wound, or the Journey Through A Body by Throbbing Gristle.  

The greatest thing with this recording is that it sounds like a one-take studio experiment. One of those rare recordings where EVERYTHING clicks magickally into place and it just sounds bloody brilliant! Highly recommendable for those who have a dire need for more mysticism in their grey and boring lives!. Limited to 50 copies, and out on Spanish Marbre. Get it while it is hot!

Bandcamp (label):

Miguel A. Garcia (official):

Ibon RG (official):