mandag den 6. august 2018

Blackhouse - Ignite Blackhouse Youth

The latest sacrificial offering from our favorite Christian peaching industrial outfit. If you need a proper introduction to this classic band, I suggest you check out the former interview I did via the webzine Brvtalist (See link below) or check out the review I did of a recent live-recording from Leipzig (See also the link below). 

So this one is the latest Blackhouse, released on No Blanc Emb on a clear and beautiful vinyl. So how does Blackhouse sound nowadays?. Brian Ladd is still doing the job just right, delivering mind-bending and brutal caveman industrialism with an ear (or two) for genre-fusions and experimental avant-garde touches here and there. Take the third Track called BHbmBS, percussive and looped rhythmic industrial electronics smash into proto stoner-rock/doom-metal guitar. Einsturzende Neubauten meets Black Sabbath anyone?. A track like Heaven´s Devils continues with acid-drenched guitar-work with those relentless rhythms. 

Ignite Blackhouse Youth even introduces rap/hip-hop vocals delivered by a Craig G, evil and warped sounding synths with acid-drenched Helios Creed´ish guitars working in the background. Track 8 Israel being a hypnotizing and minimal atmospheric piece, delivering ear-stimulating closed hi-hats and a deep bass drum, a trippy dup and jazzy clarinet sound,  tortured distorted metallic clusters of shattered sounds. The Blame Game sounds like Ministry at their greatest on LSD! And the very last track All Around Us... A VERY atmospheric avant-garde piece... smells like John Cage or early Residents?  

I really don't know what to say. It´s a BRILLIANT album, a mad hatter nut-job of an album yes BUT... 100% thoroughly enjoyable from the beginning to the end. It has the aggression, experimentalism, atmosphere, variability and the blessed curiosity to go where none has gone before. You don´t have to be a Christian to enjoy this or a Satanist for that matter. It just WORKS, and that is all that matters. Brilliant!

Interview: (Brvtalist)

Former review: (Kalteldur)

Label: (No Emb Blanc)

Facebook: (Band)

Bandcamp: (Band)