mandag den 18. juni 2018

Don Mandarin - To Sweeten the Voices 
of Our Dead

Who the hell is Don Mandarin?... I really don't know. Not much has been documented about this mysterious project on either Facebook, Bandcamp or Discogs. A project which has made some of the most beautiful cassette-boxsets releases since the likes of Zoviet France and TG. Most of the project's recordings are available, and the albums can be heard on Youtube (as shown above) or can be located on the Throne of Bael´s Bandcamp site. So far the project has released 3 beautiful Don Mandarin boxsets(released on Bumtapes), each containing 5 cassettes each. Eventually, do a checkup in this via Discogs, or contact Don Mandarin via Facebook.  

Don Mandarin revolves around drones, noise, industrial aesthetics, ritual music, ambient moods with field recording on top of it. It´s a nod to old and defunct industrial-noise cult labels like Broken Flag (Mauthausen Orchestra, Ramleh), Come Organisation (Sutcliffe Jugend, Whitehouse) and Sterile Records (Nocturnal Emissions, Mauricio Bianchi). Grim and bleak ambient-ritual stuff that sounds as if it has been recorded back in the late 80s.Sounds incredible! Ambient music for HNW/ANW fans + suckers for early P.E!


This soothing and harsh primal treat gives you almost 30 minutes of heavenly bliss and painful pleasure. The kind of album which you just can press repeat on, and listen to it ALL day. It hypnotizes you, perfectly cleans out your mind while giving you a focused state of mind. WITH NO SIDE-EFFECTS!!!

Bandcamp (label):

Bumtapes (label):