søndag den 15. oktober 2017

Blade Runner

Since everybody´s got their tatas in a twist over the Blade Runner 2049, I´ve decided to revisit the original which I haven´t watched in years.
Originally a book by Philip K. Dick, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" (which became one of my favorite writers as I grew up), Blade Runner is a visual masterpiece. It has an incredible soundtrack and deals with the "machines feel like humans" thing which always fascinated me. I love cyborgs.  
It doesn´t look like a 1982 movie, seriously. The photography is gorgeous, the editing, everything. And Rutger Hauer. 
It´s one of my favorite movies and along with Terminator and Robocop, it turned me to cyberpunk from an early age.
Not sure if BR 2049 will be up to it but it's interesting to find out. Truly a masterpiece.

Review by Eli Catastrofica
