tirsdag den 24. oktober 2017

James Osland and Finn Kelvin - 

Even If Only Temporarily

Things being temporary, things not being a constant static hum of repeats. Kind of describes life (as it is); jumping from jobs, relationships, homes etc... The only thing that is temporary for me, is jobs. Which gives me the time and pleasure to work on this site (and among other things). I felt slightly seduced when I read the concept and idea of this release;

 Even If Only Temporarily was written after a time of intense travel. Whilst moving around allot James became interested in the idea that everything he was experiencing was only temporary; temporary jobs, temporary homes, temporary relationships. He discovered that understanding everything was the only temporary intensified all the experiences that were happening. He began sending small snippets of his sonic experiences to Finn who would expand on the ideas. This back and forth would continue until something more permanent appeared from these ideas, in the form of the EP ‘Even If Only Temporary’.

Well? Gave me the interest of reviewing it off course. We´re dealing with a netlabel release, which has been released on Audio Gourmet Netlabel (Sounds delicious... right?). Which has since 2010 released 50 albums/eps. Having its primary focus on drone, ambient music, and field recordings. Whatever these two gents are doing is no exception. You know how it is; at rare occasions, you not only fall into a complete relaxed sense of being, but you also feel slightly hypnotized and highly spiritual and physical focused. I felt it last time in front of my PlayStation, while my two kids were playing lego REALLY quiet (a rare thing!). The game I was to play on my console, was a retro fuelled and slightly stressful shoot em´up. game. Why I felt 100% relaxed like a zen master, I don´t know. BUT I do know this, this mini-album is all about that!. Feels like the sounds are entering your blood veins through your ears, even my chair feels like it is levitating a bit. It is not a dark ambient treat, nor suicidal and boring new-age shit either. It´s pure, drone´ish and glitch´ness,  mystical/ethereal and balanced ambient.  music. Even having minor distorted sounds here and there, a lovely release and a perfect way to start the day!. Give it a try, make the perfect morning breakfast with this in the background! It´s one of those lovely ambient treats that you want to hear again... and again!

